Picture source fsc.org

Furniture and home décor retailers and wholesalers face numerous ongoing challenges nowadays: apart from the coronavirus pandemic which much influences the revenue and the day-to-day always-changing market trends, businesses have to deal with inter-and intra-market competition and regulatory compliances.

Nevertheless, some compliances can lead to competitive advantage and on the other hand is the solution for the other challenges. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification in Indonesia is precisely one such step: especially in this time when consumers’ interest in sustainable materials started to go uptrend, FSC-certified wood and paper make sense economically, socially, and environmentally.

Let’s say, teak furniture, or other wooden home decors – from a legal and responsibly managed source – bring many benefits for the business and the environment. This certification can widen the market access, bring higher revenues, and at the same time save the forest as human is much relying on the forest.

What is the benefit of buying FSC Products in Indonesia?

Widen the consumer base: FSC certified products help the company achieve higher revenues and build their brand up in the consumer’s eye. Manufacturers and furniture sellers can sell their products in new markets and gain a stronger, more diverse customer base. Retailers and suppliers can strengthen their reputations by holding responsibility for ethical and environmental product standards.

Fight the climate crisis: FSC’s main goal is to prevent forest degradation, deforestation, and illegal logging in certified areas. Furthermore, it is the organization’s hard work to grow the market for sustainable forest products including furniture, and paper, and to spread the campaign about the dangers of poor forestry practice – to make sure that all help contributes to climate change mitigation.

Get ahead of government requirements: FSC certification highly minimizes the risk of being confronted with illegal timber. Several countries and regions – including the European Union, USA, and Australia – have a law to ban the trade and use of illegally harvested timber and derived products. In FSC Certification, respecting all the legislation is the first of its ten principles and part of the certification and auditing process. Also, the FSC certificate is used by the governments as a reference to comply with their public procurement policies as they seek products that support sustainable forest management.

How to make sure your furniture supplier in Indonesia holds the FSC certification?

We are here for your convenience and to help you to find the products you are looking for in Indonesia, the most attractive furniture and décor manufacturer area today.

 We are your external purchasing office in Java and Bali Islands. We use our database of more than 1.500 suppliers qualified by Asean Sourcing and FSC certified, constantly updated, for you to benefit from the diverse expertise of Indonesia, according to the type of required product. The strong trust relationships we have established with our Indonesian suppliers guarantee you the required quality at the most competitive prices.

For you, we will be a trusted European partner, established locally in Java and Bali, which will avoid you from all the hassles of sourcing in Indonesia.

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